KERALA-The Paradise cuisine
The history
Enraged by the arrogance and excesses of the early Kshatriya kings, Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Parasurama ( avatar of Rama with then axe), and swore to annehelate the 21 generations of them. Once the mission was acccomplished, rivers of blood began to flow over the land, making it unsuitable for brahmins to live on. Overcome the remorse, Parasurama throw his axe onto the sea. Whereit landed, the water dutyfullyreceded to create a narrow strip of land from Cape comerin to Gokurnum-forming Kerala.
The name Kerala means the land of keras (coconut). Kerala is also known as the land of sons of Cheras- the first rulers. The cheras were in constant struggle with the neighboring Cholas, results to loose the power to local principalities. A group of samoothiri brahmins- known as Samorins of Calicut- declared themelves as rulers and started spie trade with Arabs, Chinese, Dutch and lateron with Portuguese, and emerged as the welthiest kingdom of south. The British gained power on early 17th century and stayed until India gets independance in 1947.

Complimenting to its charming beauty , Kerala is known as “the god’s own country”. Its sunny sand beaches,the amazing waterways, the low midland, the western ghats, the art,tradition and culture- al contributing Kerala as a tourist gateway to india. The food resembles its neighboring states, which features rice as staple with a liberal use of spices and coconut. The vast coastal area provides abundance of seafood, so that the people prefer it than any other meat product. The Malabar muslims non-vegetarian cuisine, the Brahmins rich vegetarian food heritage, the Syrian christian cuisine of central Travancore, the food habits of Anglo-indians and cochin Jewish- all results the Kerala cuisine as a Paradise cuisine.
1. Kozhi Porichatu (Malabar chicken roast)
Cut 500 gm chicken into big pieces, marinate with salt,1/2 tsp turmeric,and 1 tsp chilli powder.
Grind 1/2 coconut grated, 3 gr.chilli,10 flake garlic, 3 onion,1 pc ginger, 1pc cinnamon, 3 cardomom, 6 cloves, 1 tsp fennel, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp bl. pepper-and marinate the chicken in this masala for one hour.
Heat pan, saute chicken, when the water reduces add 100 ml oil gradually,stir and roast the chicken slowly until brown. add curry leaves and serve hot.

Add 2cup water to 1/2 coconut grated,grind and make coconut milk. mix together 1 tomato,1 onion, 7 gr. chiilii, 3tsp chilli pow, 1/2 tsp coriander pow, 1/2 tsp turmeric and salt and coconut milk. Cook this and add 1 mango slice,when cooked add 500 gm fish pieced and cleaned, and simmer until the fish cooked and the gravy thickens. Heat 5 tsp coconut oil, saute siced 6 shallots and a spring of curryleaf,add to the curry.

Clean 5 no. crab and bol with 2tsp chilli pow, and turmeric and salt
,reduce completly . heat oil saute sliced onion, green chili, ginger and garlic. add pepper pow, chop coriander leaves, curry leaves and crab, fry well

Grind together 1dsp coriander pow, 1/2 tsp chilli pow,1/4 tsp turmeric and 2 pinch pepper pow.
Heat oil, crack mustard and methi seeds, saute 2 slicedonion, 1 ginger,5 garlic sliced, 6 sliced green chilli, curry leaves an add the ground paste.,25 gm tamarind soaked and juice extracted,little water .Boil and add cleaned and pieced 500 gm fish and cook till the gravy reduces,. Add 1/2 cup coonut milk and just give one boil and remove.

Heat 100 gm ghee in a kadai and saute 100 gm sliced onion, 1 tbsp each of ginger and garlic chopped,1 cinnamon, 4 cloves, 1 pinch turmeric. Add chicken and saute until the fat seperated. Add2 cup coconut milk, 5 gren chilli slitted,and salt and cook. add chopped cilentro. and remove from fire

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