Passion man- A wonderful chilled drink made out of mango and passionfruit. Both the fruits are available in plenty on summer season and this tropical drink is very much suits to overcome your thirst. Both the fruit has rich in nutritional value, the drinks made out of these natural treasures will be always good. Rather than picking bottles beverages from the rack of super market, plucking fresh mangoes and passion fruit from the back yards to make this wonderful drink is always a pleasure.

Peel the mangoes. Cut one mango into fine dices and keep aside. Rest cut into pieces and blend it with ginger,lime juice, salt and sugar.
Strain it and pour back to blender and add passion fruit pulp, add two glass water and pulse it.
Peel the banana and cut it into fine dices, keep aside.
Half fill the glasses with crushed ice, chopped banana and mango. Pour the juice over it, stir it and serve chilled, garnish with a slice of lemon.
Peel the mangoes. Cut one mango into fine dices and keep aside. Rest cut into pieces and blend it with ginger,lime juice, salt and sugar.
Strain it and pour back to blender and add passion fruit pulp, add two glass water and pulse it.
Peel the banana and cut it into fine dices, keep aside.
Half fill the glasses with crushed ice, chopped banana and mango. Pour the juice over it, stir it and serve chilled, garnish with a slice of lemon.
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