IntermediatePortuguese Peri Peri ChickenPeri Peri grilled chicken is an African inspired roasted chicken. Commonly use the thigh and drumstick part of theRead More
Chef Soju Philip115 Recipes
IntermediatePrawns alla DiavoloPrawns alla diavolo is a hearty Prawn dish from the Mediterranean coast of Italy. Pan seared prawns simmered inRead More
Chef Soju Philip115 Recipes
AdvancedFish PaupietteFish Paupiette- Basically a roulade the 'Paupiette' originated in Normandy region of France. It is considered as one ofRead More
IntermediateBanoffee PuddingBanoffe pudding is taken from the classic recipe of Banoffee pie from England. Basically made with bananas, cream andRead More
Chef Soju Philip115 Recipes
Deviled EggsDeviled Eggs- A classic starter or an appetizer- Hard boiled egg shelled and cut into half, remove the yolkRead More
Chef Soju Philip115 Recipes
Chicken and Egg CutletChicken and egg- A combination that sustains. Chicken or Egg, which one exists here first? That's a question IRead More
Chef Soju Philip115 Recipes
IntermediateGreek Chicken KebobsGreek chicken kebobs- An easy to make chicken skewer which will be best in your parties as an appetizerRead More
IntermediateChicken CacciatoreChicken Cacciatore- It is believed that Chicken Cacciatore originated from Central Italy in the period of Renaissance. Formerly knownRead More